This by no means a full list - I am an old man who is constantly yelling at the kids to get off my lawn.
xox1. Trump - enough said really - stubby fingered cheetoh.

2. Trumpets - the inane mouth pieces of said Trump.

3. KKK - enough said.

4. Homophobia

5. Racism.

6. Hate in any form really and yes its taken up 6 spots - COZ IT'S IMPORTANT PEOPLE!
7. All Live Matters - get a life.

8. Bad Coffee - I'm looking at you Starbucks aka dirty dish water.

9. Airport Security Lines - Hire some more ppl TSA.

10. Fox News - do I have to explain this one????

11. Slut shaming - can we move on please?

12. Drivers who do not indicate!

13. Taco Bell aka Taco Hell - shit in a taco shell.

14. Mobile Phones During A Movie.

15. Bad Manners - No excuses ever.

16. Saggy Pants - Do they realise the origin???

17. Evangelicals - again, Ugh.

18. Cleaning - I need to call a service. I just hate it. I know...

19. Bad Service - Good service is not difficult.

20. Masc for Masc - this is the most insane bit of self hate prevalent in gay men - Ugh.

21. People Airing Their Laundry On FB - really bitches????

Welcome back to the U.S.A.
Thank you Mistress.
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